The Placeless Academy

by MAMMA (Morocco), Tajarrod Architecture and Art Foundation (Libya) and Philomena+ (Austria)

When and where?

Partners +

This project is a platform that aims to question, analyse, and critique the legacy of modern architecture and art in the MENA region in order to produce alternative critical discourse beyond the Western line of thought.

By supporting architects and artists in Libya and Morocco particularly, with the needed critical tools, methodologies, and knowledge, and by engaging them in an international interdisciplinary dialogue in Austria, where they can exchange learning with other intellectuals, architects, artists, and educators.

The project platform would be a catalyst for such an exchange in two main axes : Understanding the heritage and built environment during the Twentieth century in Morocco and Libya / Critical thinking : what is the standpoint regarding modern heritage’s future.

> About the organizations of The Placeless Academy

MAMMA. Memoire des Architectes modernes Marocains

Memory of Modern Moroccan Architects is a heritage organization established in Casablanca, Morocco in 2016, whose main objective is to highlight, (re)valorize and preserve the architecture and urbanism of Morocco after independence through a pioneering generation of modern architects. It was founded by architects and enthousiasts Imad Dahmani and Lahbib El Moumni, professors at the Architecture School of Casablanca.



Aims to connect artists and architects from the WANA region (West Asia and North Africa) with the local art community in Vienna and vice versa. The main purpose is to provide a platform for artists, intellectuals, researchers and the civil society for dialoguing, questioning, creating and building future collaborations. Rather tha focusing on a type art hich centers around objects, Philomena+ promotes art which focuses on individuals and life.


is an architectural, artistic, and cultural thinktank founded in 2019 by Sarri El faitouri, with an aim to examine the dominant socio-cultural and disciplinary architectural ideologies in Libyan society and beyond, and critically reinvent the theory and practice of architecture and art. Tajarrod's projects vary between the production of theoretical writings and investigations, exhibitions, workshops, as well as the organization of public dialogues and competitions.
