
by Michael Rakowitz

Friday, 22 september - 2:00 PM

Saturday, 23 september - 10:00 AM

Sunday, 24 september - 10:00 AM

Monday, 25 september - 10:00 AM

Tuesday, 26 september - 10:00 AM

Wednesday, 27 september - 10:00 AM

Thursday, 28 september - 10:00 AM

Friday, 29 september - 10:00 AM

Saturday, 30 september - 10:00 AM

Sunday, 01 october - 10:00 AM

Monday, 02 october - 10:00 AM

Tuesday, 03 october - 10:00 AM

Wednesday, 04 october - 10:00 AM

Thursday, 05 october - 10:00 AM

Friday, 06 october - 10:00 AM

Saturday, 07 october - 10:00 AM

Sunday, 08 october - 10:00 AM

Dépôt Aloulou

Production +


In 2006 I signed the first deal in 25 years to import Iraqi dates to the US. Despite the cessation of UN sanctions, no Products of Iraq were available here. My storefront became a place where the Iraqi refugee crisis was disseminated through the dates’ tumultuous journey.

After the shipment spoiled in Syria, 10 boxes were airlifted to NYC. The parcel underwent inspection by Homeland Security and finally reached the store, where customers flocked, eager to taste the fruit that had interrogated and scandalized government agencies from Baghdad to New York. A fruit that asked questions.

▪ Meeting with artist Michael Rakowitz, moderated by Hoor Al Qasimi

24 September 2023 at 3.30pm

Aloulou depot (map)

Free - in English, interpretation in Tunisian

Practical information

Dépôt Aloulou - facing Dar Othman (map)

Sep. 22 from 2pm to 6pm 

23 Sep. > 8 Oct. from 10am to 6pm

Language : English


19 min - continuous

Price information

Daily Dream Pass for 5 DT


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